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Maoming launches 'red culture'-themed tour routes

Updated: 2021-07-06

Maoming in South China's Guangdong province boasts abundant natural and cultural tourism resources. To celebrate its revolutionary history and red culture, the city has launched two one-day red culture-themed tour routes.

Route 1: Xinyi Huaixiang Uprising Command Site – Old Site of South Road Office of Guangdong Farmers' Association (Nangao Academy) – Guangdong South Road Revolutionary Huazhou Education Base (Huazhou Gancun village)

Route 2: Maoming Revolutionary History Exhibition Hall at Maoming Museum – Tomb of Martyr Zhu Yechi – Maonan Shaojiu village – Gaozhenche Revolutionary Tradition Education Base – The Old Site of Dianbai County Farmers' Association (The Ancestral Temple of Yan Family)

Nangao Academy

The Nangao Academy is an ancient building constructed during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and was used as the South Road Office of the Guangdong Farmers' Association. It was recognized as a provincial cultural relic by the Guangdong provincial government in July 2002.

Opening hours: 9:00-11:30 am, 3:00-5:30 pm, Mondays to Fridays


Nangao Academy. [Photo/WeChat account: maofabu]

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