As of April 6, 141 out of the 146 new high-tech enterprises in Maoming have resumed their normal operations, while also doing their best to prevent and control the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pneumonia epidemic.
The results were largely due to the various measures taken by the science and technology bureau of Maoming.
The bureau sent specialists to enterprises to guide them in establishing an emergency mechanism for COVID-19 epidemic prevention, as well as to help them arrange daily production plans in combination with their operational features.
It also organized the designated hospitals for COVID-19 patients in Maoming to declare and carry out emergency scientific and technological projects for the prevention and treatment of the epidemic. By April 6, the bureau had collected nine project applications.
Selection of the COVID-19 prevention and control-related technologies and products was also carried out by the bureau, and three projects were selected for the provincial list of the COVID-19 prevention and control-related technologies and products.
The disposable medical mask project by Guangdong Junyuan Agarwood Medical Devices Co Ltd, which had a project funding of 200,000 yuan ($28,333), was approved by the bureau and had started production.
In addition, the high-tech business incubators in Maoming helped enterprises reduce their financial burden by waiving rents and providing epidemic prevention supplies.
The High-tech Business Incubator of the Maoming Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone waived the rents of 62 eligible enterprises in February and halved their rents in March and April, with a reduction amount of more than 60,000 yuan.
The No 16 Mass Innovation Space waived all the rents of its enterprises in February and March, along with the water and electricity charges, which amounted to about 116,000 yuan.