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Maoming holds competition to celebrate cybersecurity awareness week

Updated: 2023-09-18

Maoming held the "Smart Research Cup" cybersecurity competition on Sept 12 at the Guangdong West Entrepreneurship and Innovation Incubation Base to celebrate the 2023 China Cybersecurity Awareness Week.

The competition invited 25 teams from higher education institutions in Maoming. After two months of training, the contestants competed for the final position through written and practical tests to defend against network attacks.

The competition focused on data security, emphasizing digital techniques defending against network attacks, aiming to enhance the practical capabilities of cybersecurity professionals in Maoming and discover outstanding talents in the field.

Through the competition, the organizers hope to raise public awareness of cybersecurity, discover and nurture excellent cybersecurity talents, and promote the enhancement of cybersecurity technical capabilities in various industries and fields.


The contestants participate in the competition. [Photo/ WeChat account: maofabu]