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Maoming makes efforts in industrial upgrading, rural development

Updated: 2023-11-15

On Nov 6, a conference was held in the city of Maoming, Guangdong province to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and advance the "high-quality development project for hundreds of counties, thousands of towns, and tens of thousands of villages."      


Maoming's petrochemical industry accounts for half of the local industry. [Photo/WeChat account: maofabu]

The project has allowed Maoming to upgrade its industrial chain and promote the development of agricultural industries, addressing issues such as a single industrial structure, insufficient rural economic development, and imbalanced urban-rural development.

Maoming city has introduced a comprehensive utilization project for alkane resources from Donghua Energy (Maoming) Company, which is the largest private industrial project to be introduced since the city’s establishment. It has also stimulated the development of downstream petrochemical industries, promoting the transformation of traditional petrochemical industries into green chemical industries.

Maoming has achieved development in its agricultural sector by developing e-commerce, extending the industrial chain, and building brands. This has expanded sales channels for agricultural products and stabilized the incomes of farmers. The extension of the industrial chain has also provided more employment opportunities.


Workers process agarwood. [Photo/WeChat account: maofabu]

Maoming has promoted the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries through vitalization plans. For example, the city has combined agarwood with trade hubs and e-commerce to create Chenxiangxu market. The market has led to the employment of over 20,000 people, with an industrial scale of over 1 billion yuan ($138.1 million).

With its reliance on distinctive local resources and industries, Maoming has achieved both economic and population growth.