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Xinyi achieves positive results in urban, rural transformation

Updated: 2023-11-29

Xinyi city, belonged to Maoming city, Guangdong province, has undergone a transformation in both urban and rural areas, attracting visitors from all directions to experience the new charm of a modern and vibrant city.

Qianpai town, located in Xinyi city, has undergone an aesthetic transformation to improve its rural scenery and attract more tourists, with white walls and indigo blue roof tiles. Green trees surround the front and back of the house, with a clear river flowing in front of the door, creating a beautiful rural paradise life that is captivating and unforgettable.


Qianpai town. [Photo/WeChat account: maofabu]

Jinjiang Gallery, an ecological scenario greenway in Xinyi, Maoming city, Guangdong province, has been transformed with a new look. The exterior improvements seen on the farmhouses along Jinjiang Gallery have enhanced the rural landscape. Many locals were also encouraged to renovate their old houses, thanks to the policies that were recently implemented by the government.


Beautiful Jinjiang Gallery. [Photo/WeChat account: maofabu]

Dingbao town have also gone through aesthetic transformations. The town has formulated a plan for the renovation of its rural living environment as well as long-term maintenance measures to preserve its beautiful villages.

Through management work, both Xinyi's urban and rural appearance has improved, benefitting not only the tourism sector, but also the local residents.


Dingbao town. [Photo/WeChat account: maofabu]