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Progress made on Maoming's second batch of "Xin" brand applications

Updated: 2024-06-18

Progress has been made on the second batch of "Xin" (Xin means credit) brand applications in Maoming, with 22 out of 81 companies entering the product inspection stage. These companies produce a range of items, including fresh fruits, eggs, and seafood. The list of authorized users is expected to be announced by the end of June.

Last year, Maoming launched the "Xin" brand to boost the reputation of its agricultural products. The first batch saw seven companies receive authorization in March. The number of applicants for the second batch has significantly increased, with many coming from Gaozhou.

The "Xin" brand authorization process is rigorous to ensure the utmost quality. Companies must go through several steps, including local recommendations, inspections, and evaluations. Maoming aims to promote high-quality agricultural products and expand their market reach.

Efforts are underway to market "Xin" branded products nationwide. The first flagship store opened in Guangzhou in May, showcasing Maoming's specialties. Maoming encourages businesses to open more stores and use various sales channels to introduce "Xin" branded products across the country.


The "Xin" brand store. [Photo/WeChat account: maofabu]