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The Golden Deer Park

Updated: 2014-12-16

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The Golden Deer Park is a national demonstration base for agro-tourism and an eco-tourism. Located in the north of Huguang Yan Lake and covering an area of 120 mu (8 hectare), it is an AA tourist area with the largest deer farm in South China, where more than 1,000 spotted deer are kept and bred.

The Golden Deer Park, renowned for its clean air and pleasant scenery, forms the eco-tourism circle surrounding the Huguang Yan Lake, together with Huguang Yan Lake and the South Asia Tropical Botanical Gardens. Moreover, it is an ideal natural oxygen bar in the suburb of Zhanjiang City.

The Golden Deer Park

In 2014, the Golden Deer Park was expanded, and added some new attractions such as the Butterfly Valley, the Swan Pool, the Birds' Singing Woods, the Variegated Carp Pool, the Rare Animal Zoo, the African-Style Grassland, the Parent-Kid Interactive Playground and the Area of Animal Effigies.

The park integrates eco-tourism, wildlife watching, recreation and scientific education. Here, you can feed the spotted deer, watch the beautiful and colorful fluttering butterflies, have a glimpse of the rare birds and various wild animals, and take photos with large animal effigies. While visiting the park you can also buy some health products made from deer.

Address: 2, Huguangyan North Road, Huguang township, Mazhang district, Zhanjiang city

Tel: 0759-3340923

Admission: 15 yuan ($2.4)

How to Get There: Take Bus No 3/No 6/No 9
